Dungeon Village 2 Mod 1.5.0Mod: Free Money (39 MB)
Dungeon Village 2 Mod 1.4.4
Dungeon Village 2 APK 1.4.4 (39 MB)
Dungeon Village 2 Mod 1.4.4Mod: Free Money (39 MB)
Additional Information
It lets players build a fantasy RPG town to send heroes to destroy monsters. In the game, players need to plan the construction of the city by themselves, and also need to meet the requirements of adventurers in order to attract more adventurers to come.
Players can use city functions, recruit adventurers for adventure, and obtain powerful equipment to strengthen adventurers. In the later stage of the game, there are also magic and alchemy that require players to study slowly, which can expand the popularity of the village.
no mod version please
Thanks, updated the original. no mod version