Critical Ops XAPK 1.48.0.f2834 (730 MB)
ZArchiver APK Support APKS | XAPK | ZIP (5 MB)
1. Download Game apks or xapk
2. Use ZArchiver APK to install Game apks or xapk. (No need to extract)
3. Start the game.
Additional Information
Critical Ops is a very fun shooting game. The CS on the mobile phone is beautiful, the gameplay is rich and interesting, and there are many map scenes.-apkAwarD.Com
There are two modes in the game: blasting mode and team fighting. Blasting mode is to defeat opponents to get money, money can buy weapons and equipment. Team combat means that all weapons and equipment don't need money. You can do whatever you want. Guns have skin, of course, to do tasks to make money, and then buy a box to get skin.