Knives Out-Tokyo Royale XAPK 1.338.650116 (1.8 GB)
ZArchiver APK Support APKS | XAPK | ZIP (5 MB)
1. Download Game apks or xapk
2. Use ZArchiver APK to install Game apks or xapk. (No need to extract)
3. Start the game.
Additional Information
Knives Out-Tokyo Royale apk is a 100-person simultaneous online shooting game. In the game, the beginning of each game is equivalent to a new and intense adventure. Players need to find materials to protect their safety as soon as possible. A bunker to hide yourself from being discovered by the enemy and discovering the enemy with the most meticulous observation. Eventually, due to the control of the map and the gas circle, players will be forced to enter a very narrow space to fight, only to defeat all players in order to win the final victory. - APKaward.COm