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What do parents need to prepare? Too many people do it when they want to be a parent. They never thought that they had to prepare for being a parent. Creating the necessary environment for children is very important in the process of raising children. You must create the right atmosphere so that children can feel joy, love, care and discipline from within and from your family.
When I was pregnant, I just felt that I needed to have a baby. During the first few months of raising the child, I deeply felt what it means to be "not ready". I am not only psychologically unprepared, but also far from being prepared physically and parenting skills. I read a book while studying online.
Just when the child was one year old, I entered a panic period. I suddenly realized that my child has grown up to eat and sleep. I was at a loss as to how to educate him. So at that moment, I Reading parenting books one by one, slowly, I began to find the feeling of being a parent, and I began to feel that I was on the way to becoming a "parent".